
Cancer Insurance


1) If You need more than courage to fight CANCER

How? By becoming a member of the Indian Cancer Society you are covered by New India Assurance innovative new Cancer Insurance Policy…..


Cancer can strike at any age, anytime….. and is rightly called “the enemy within”. In fact, it is a genetic accident caused by various factors pertinent to the environment we all live in and are exposed to. There are ways and ways of people reacting to cancer. But, generally speaking, people take it for granted that it is a terminal illness, with no possibility of a cure.


2) CANCER is curable if detected early enough.

There are hundreds of patients who are now leading normal lives because cancer was diagnosed and treated at an early stage. But, for a large number, treatment for cancer is too expensive. This prove more detrimental to their treatment and recovery than the insidious cancer cell. The Cancer Insurance Policy will provide all these people with the helping hand they need.


3)How does this policy work?

The policy has been devised to provide financial cover for anybody who may be stricken by this malignant disease. New India Assurance have planned this cover meticulously, in consultation with the medical experts of Indian Cancer Society, to meet a long-felt socio-economic need. In fact this particular cover offered by New Indian Assurance is unique in that so far India is only the 3rd country in the world to provide it.

 According to the agreement, anyone who wants to avail of this cover has to join the Indian Cancer Society. The only proviso being that, at the time of seeking the membership, the person concerned should not be cancer patient or a potential cancer case. The policy comes into operation only after the first one month of membership.


4) What benefits does this offer cover?


The Cancer Insurance Policy offers you coverage of following two slabs.

Insurance Policy

Insurance Premium

Insurance Cover

Entrance Fee

Slab I




Slab II




The above coverage can be extended to Maximum two dependent children upto the age of 20 years, by paying a premium of Rs.110/- per child per annum. The policy covers the spouse – regardless of whose name the membership is in. But once either of them contracts the disease the other would not be entitled for any benefit under the same policy. However, he/she can always take another membership.

5) Details of the benefits offered by this scheme

The Cancer Insurance Policy offers coverage towards the costs of diagnosis biopsy, surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, hospitalization and rehabilitation. Reimbursement of claims is made every quarter for actual expenses incurred until the entire sum insured is exhausted or the insured is declared cured whichever is earlier.