
Jagriti: Cancer Awareness

Creation of Cancer Awareness is core objective of Indian Cancer Society.

To educate the public about cancer, its causes, and effective preventive measures, the Indian Cancer Society regularly hosts awareness talks.


  • Cancer Jagriti is a group of trained volunteers that deliver cancer awareness talks.
  • We visit a variety of settings, such as schools and colleges, markets, offices and factories,  women groups, urban slums, Rotary and Lions clubs, and villages. We also work with   other socially committed organizations.
  • Our “Rise Against Cancer” include street plays, talks, and referrals to our cancer screening services.
  • Speakers share educational videos and provide cancer literature at no cost.
  • We also train staff at other NGOs who work in the Bastis (slums) to share our cancer awareness messages.
  • Cancer Jagriti volunteers are available at no cost, although a pick-up and drop-off for speakers is greatly appreciated.


Our Initiatives


Rise Against Cancer

Rise against cancer is Indian Cancer Society community connect programme where a       neighborhood is targeted. It include local Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), Market       Associations, as well as resident in the  neighborhood.  Students put up street plays, cancer awareness walk is undertaken, awareness talk are conducted and services of  mobile cancer screening are also provided.


School Programme

The schools awareness programme reaches out to a very large group of young audience of students. Speakers visit Schools, Colleges, ITIs & other Institutes to educate a young         vulnerable generation about lifestyle choices.


Schools Cluster Training

Train the Trainers: We train Teachers to become Voice Multipliers. It is not possible for ICS Speakers to cover all young people.  Teachers can weave in our instruction  material during regular classes .


Lifestyle changes

  • Tobacco Control is an important concern. It is a prime component of school talks.
  • World No-Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated with great enthusiasm. It is an indicator to assess how much of the anti-tobacco message has been taken on board by school children. In 2020, COVID – 19 has forced WNTD to be organised online.
  • Healthy Diet & danger associated with excess salt, sugar & sweetened drinks so            unthinkingly consumed by youngsters needs to be a matter of concern.
  • Environmental impact on cancer was the topic of a recent Seminar. We need to address it with more attention.




Training is an integral part of the Cancer Awareness Programme. ICS trains fresh Volunteers into the intricacies of the disease. Volunteers are not doctors, but they need to know the causes, risk factors, signs & symptoms, as well as basics modalities  of treatment. They need to have regular up-to-date information, for efficient functioning. Separate sessions are arranged for seasoned Volunteers with experts in the subjects.

  • Workshops are the energizer of the Awareness Program. Workshops are held in-house, when experts are invited to educate Volunteers. We also arrange Workshops annually at the Army R&R Hospital. Many Hospitals invite Volunteers to participate in their Workshops. It is encouraging when Doctor take time to educate volunteers.
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