The Conquest of Cancer by Choice, not Chance.

About Us

The Indian Cancer Society was founded in Mumbai in 1951 by the renowned oncologist Dr. DJ Jussawala, with the stated objective of providing cancer awareness and education, as well as offering high quality-low cost cancer screening facilities.   Dr. Jussawala saw even in those early years that prevention through awareness and understanding was the only way to fight the scourge of cancer, giving Patients & Medical practitioners the best chance of a cure.

The Delhi Branch was set up in 1983 by a group of enlightened citizens, led by Mr. KK Mehta, who continued to guide the activities of ICS Delhi until 2011. Our Statement of Intent has remained The Conquest of Cancer by Choice; not Chance over the years. Volunteers are the driving force of ICS Delhi, undertaking the many activities that are our Charter. Dedicated Staff provide the required spine.

Our Units

The Indian Cancer Society, Delhi, is a community based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem through these main causes.

Your Impact

This is the Impact you have helped us achieve.

Cancer Jagriti: Awareness & Screening

  • Over 6,00,000 people have been given awareness talks since 1984.
  • Over 2,50,000 people have been screened for early detection of cancer since 1984.
  • Over 4 million people are reached every year through radio talks.
  • Over 5,500 women have got mammography since 2007.

Cancer Sahyog: Emotional Support Group

  • Over 2,200 patients have been given patient support since 1991.
  • Over 5,500 patients have received bras and prothesis since 2012.
  • Over 2,14,500 patients have received emotional support since 1991.

Prashanti: Rehabilitation Centre

  • Over 16,500 patients have been given complimentary therapies for holistic healing since 2005.
  • 1,409 patients have been given DEXA since 2009.
  • 535 patients have been given arm care requirement since 2007.
  • Over 5,500 children have been given nutritious home cooked meals since 2006.
  • 248 children have received protein support since 2016.
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